This blog the developer husband and wife record their development and daily lives.
If you found an island here called "Dico" in the sea of information,
I hope you enjoy taking a look at the small islands
that the developer husband and wife is making.

Recently Articles

Creating Pagination in Nuxt 3
Describes how to create PageNation in Nuxt3.

Candidates Ask, Companies Answer: The Importance of Reverse Interviews
This is an article about the reason for the reverse interview and how to conduct the reverse interview.

Setting Up Zero-Downtime Deployment - Back-End Configuration
This is the method configured to achieve zero-downtime deployment for the back-end server.

2024 Retrospective of a 9-Year Developer
2024 Retrospective of a 9-Year Developer

Setting Up Zero-Downtime Deployment - Front-End Configuration
This is the method I configured for zero-downtime deployment of the front-end server.

Build a non-disruptive deployment - Environmental part
This is an article describing my experience setting up a zero-downtime deployment environment on a single server.

I've revamped the blog logo
Story of re-creating the blog logo.

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