This blog the developer husband and wife record their development and daily lives.
If you found an island here called "Dico" in the sea of information,
I hope you enjoy taking a look at the small islands
that the developer husband and wife is making.

Recently Articles

Install Vim and set the default editor for Ubuntu
Install Vim and set the default editor for Ubuntu.

Building Docker Development Environment Using wsl2 in Windows 11
Windows 11 describes how to use WSL 2 to build a Docker development environment.

Configuring Multilingualism in Nuxt
Describes how to implement multilingualism without i18n in Nuxt.

Creating Pagination in Nuxt 3
Describes how to create PageNation in Nuxt3.

Candidates Ask, Companies Answer: The Importance of Reverse Interviews
This is an article about the reason for the reverse interview and how to conduct the reverse interview.

Setting Up Zero-Downtime Deployment - Back-End Configuration
This is the method configured to achieve zero-downtime deployment for the back-end server.

2024 Retrospective of a 9-Year Developer
2024 Retrospective of a 9-Year Developer

Setting Up Zero-Downtime Deployment - Front-End Configuration
This is the method I configured for zero-downtime deployment of the front-end server.